Too much sunlight?


Discover our wide selection of classic and modern blinds!


It’s always helpful to read some pieces of advice. The tips on this page provide useful information regarding owning and maintaining window blinds and shades. For more information, browse the rest of our website, and be sure to contact us for a free in-person consultation.

Learn how to properly clean bamboo shades

Since bamboo is a natural material it tends to be more prone to wear and tear and may even develop mold. You should, therefore, dust your bamboo shades on a weekly basis (it’s possible to use the vacuum cleaner’s upholstery attachment to do this). It’s also possible to detach them from their railing in order to wash them by soaking them in a bathtub. You can even get rid of stains by using white vinegar or some oil-based wood soap. But before you do any of that, be sure to consult with an expert to ensure you don’t damage your bamboo shades unintentionally.

Aluminum and vinyl blinds have different pros and cons

Both of these materials have specific attributes that can make them less or better suited to your needs. Aluminum tends to be stronger, and can reflect some sunrays, which makes for improved thermal efficiency (they allow less heat in). Vinyl blinds bend much better, which means they’re not as likely to develop dents. They’re also easier to clean, and can be customized (different colors and patterns) more easily. White vinyl blinds can also reflect some sunrays, although not as effectively as aluminum ones.

Motorized blinds may be more useful than you think

While their main benefits may seem obvious, some pros may surprise you. The high tech vibe and the convenience afforded by automatic window treatments come to mind right away, but motorized blinds also provide extra security and can enhance your energy efficiency. How can they do that? Well, let’s address security first. By having your window blinds open and close automatically at certain points during the day, they’ll give the impression that someone’s home. That means that even if you go on vacation, any burglar casing your home may mistakenly think that you, or at least somebody, is still there. As for energy efficiency, while motorized blinds do require electricity to work, automating them can help you utilize indoor lighting and heating more wisely, by exploiting the sun’s warm rays. This will result in reduced effort form your HVAC system, which translates to lower bills.


When you need the right window coverings for your home or office, think of us first. Just leave your contact information below and an expert will return your call soon!


Our design team is known for guaranteed customer satisfaction, outstanding service and competitive pricing. For perfect blinds or shades for your home or office, give our friendly experts a call.

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Mar 10, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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